
just one shortcut

This is not a tech blog (in the slightest) but this week I’ve ended up for one reason or another watching friends, colleagues and students operating computers. It was slow going.

If there’s just one keyboard shortcut worth learning and using it is alt-tab. On Mac computers this is cmd-tab.

It allows you to quickly change which application you are working on, and then back again.

If you have more than one application open (very likely), just hold down the alt key, and press the tab key repeatedly until you select the application you want to switch to.

It looks like this in action:

Screenshot of using cmd-tab whilst writing this blog post

Yay for shortcuts.

Up next caring about education I care about education. I care about the people involved – students, teachers and administrators – and their thinking, curiosity and commitment. I igor and moreno and boldness For the last three or four years I’ve been working with choreographer-dancers Igor Urzelai and Moreno Solinas (igorandmoreno.com). My official role
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