
shannon and bassano

I’ve had the tremendous pleasure of working with Australian artist Shannon Bott on and off since 2003. In May this year we are meeting in Bassano del Grappa, Italy—with the support of Centro per la Scena Contemporanea—for a week-long choreographic residency. We will be working quickly and intensely, in order to imagine a new or different set of choreographic and performance problems. We wonder what conditions might make newness possible for us and how might this feel and look.

In Italiano: http://www.operaestate.it/evento/ellis-bott/

There will be a public performance at the Garage Nardini on Friday 6 May at 21:00.

Thanks in particular to Roberto Casarotto for making this residency happen.

Up next provoke and disturb Reading the materials these days you’d know that art is about celebrating, bringing together, and affirming. You’d know that its about creative green shifting and success
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