
provoke and disturb

Reading the materials these days you’d know that art is about celebrating, bringing together, and affirming. You’d know that its about creative self-expression. It’s harder somehow to find reference to things like the fact that the arts might challenge, provoke or disturb. It’s hard to find an emphasis on things like difficulty, difference, division or dissent.

– Tim Etchells, http://timetchells.com/isdf-opening/?month=6&year=2012

Up next Attitudes and Principles of Making shannon and bassano I’ve had the tremendous pleasure of working with Australian artist Shannon Bott on and off since 2003. In May this year we are meeting in Bassano
Latest posts stimming the body isn’t a thing postcards no country your morals eating irritating in others awakened transfiguration bits of unsolicited advice stockdale paradox hands that don’t want anything singing and dancing losing oneself given a price on remembering everything Godin on ideas three chairs growth felt in christ Freelance Dance Artists’ Working Ecology he danced listening and pain Somatics unlimited body politics vernacular activities one sentence email tips scrutiny ripeness Dance after lockdown - living with paradox mini essay