
installation view

In August 2019 I went and saw Olafur Eliasson’s In Real Life exhibition at the Tate Modern in London. The exhibition was a large collection of Eliasson’s work but one particular space — right at the end — got my attention. It was a space called Installation view and it consisted of a long wall filled with a vast range of printed materials curated according to an A-Z list. It was beautifully rich not only in framing some of the experiences I’d just had in the exhibition, but also in opening my attention out beyond the exhibition to new ideas, alternative perspectives and diverse influences.

Here are a couple of photos I took of the wall:

And here’s a link to Eliasson’s slideshow of the In Real Life exhibition (with a couple of images of Installation view towards the end): https://olafureliasson.net/archive/exhibition/EXH102539/olafur-eliasson-in-real-life#slideshow

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