
how to receive updates

This is a post to show you how to receive updates (or be notified of an update) to this website, but also to pretty much any website. It uses an old web technology called RSS and an RSS service called Feedly.

  1. Sign up at feedly.com — it’s free.
  2. Click on + symbol to add a new feed (see 2 on image below)
  3. Type in URL of website you want to add so you will know when new content is added: https://www.skellis.net/. Note that sometimes (but only rarely you will need to add the actual RSS feed itself, e.g. https://www.skellis.net/feed.rss)
  4. Click on icon to add feed and then choose Follow”
  5. You can add Feedly to your smartphone, or use any RSS app (for example Reeder on iOS) to know when new content is added.

That’s it!

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Latest posts the end of nature thinking like a consumer eliminate the friction Look and Look Again astray awkwardly sign on the door ask nature ecosytemic practice research self portrait as time the comfort/chaos circle things will have to change ladder of inference physical connection berry on minimalism stimming the body isn’t a thing postcards no country your morals eating irritating in others awakened transfiguration bits of unsolicited advice stockdale paradox hands that don’t want anything singing and dancing losing oneself given a price on remembering everything Godin on ideas