
every young person

I think every young person who regularly uses a computer should learn the following:

  • how to choose a domain name
  • how to buy a domain
  • how to choose a good domain name provider
  • how to choose a good website-hosting service
  • how to find a good free text editor
  • how to transfer files to and from a server
  • how to write basic HTML, including links to CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) files
  • how to find free CSS templates
  • how to fiddle around in those templates to adjust them to your satisfaction
  • how to do basic photograph editing
  • how to cite your sources and link to the originals
  • how to use social media to share what you’ve created on your own turf rather than create within a walled factory

One could add considerably to this list, but these, I believe, are the rudimentary skills that should be possessed by anyone who wants to be a responsible citizen of the open Web – and not to be confined to living on the bounty of the digital headmasters.

– Alan Jacobs, Tending the Digital Commons: A Small Ethics toward the Future hedgehogreview.com/issues/the-human-and-the-digital/articles/tending-the-digital-commons

Up next education as a privately consumed good What I can say is common between the founding intellectual ideas and the roll out [of neoliberalism] is that the idea that only two things ought to strong opinions Here’s technology forecaster Paul Saffo from 2008: Since the mid-1980s, my mantra for this process [forecasting] is “strong opinions, weakly held.”
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