

Surrenders to conventionality are what disciplines are. The disciplines are social systems that raise their partial as if’ perspectives from mere conventionality to mythic proportions … We will find them all, these rites de passages, in examinations, in selection, promotion, and establishment, in the residence rules of departments and schools, in the special languages, in the professional taboos. These are ways of making a blinkered view of the world seem mythically true.

– Greg Dening, cited in Mark Minchinton, The World is Turning to Pus, http://www.doubledialogues.com/article/the-world-is-turning-to-pus-a-keynote-provocation/

Up next one simple assumption As we argue vociferously for our view, we often fail to question one crucial assumption upon which our whole stance in the conversation is built: I documenting the document
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