
That Thing Produced

Practice-as-research continues to struggle with its epistemic value. For the most part we seem to have stopped grappling with the complexity of what it is that we might know or understand as a consequence of artistic research. Instead, it is now assumed that artists producing art in the context of the academy are, by default, producing knowledge. In this writing I explore the epistemic conditions of producing artistic research, and imagine PaR’s vital and disruptive role in the so-called knowledge economy.

Reference: Ellis, Simon. 2018. That Thing Produced” In Ellis, S., Blades, H. & Waelde, C. (Eds.) A World of Muscle, Bone & Organs: Research and Scholarship in Dance. Coventry: C-DaRE at Coventry University: 480-498.

Link: ellis-2018-that.pdf

That Thing Produced

Supported by C-DaRE — the Centre for Dance Research — at Coventry University.

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