
reblog: when everyone is a curator

The term curating’ has definitely been picked up to describe almost anyactivity that involves choosing one thing over another.

– Michelle Kasprzak in an email to the NEW-MEDIA-CURATING listserv


– Steve Paxton, Material for the Spine: Sensation and senses: weight of sensation

Up next steve’s palate I’m a dancer. That means that when it comes to performance it’s my senses and the way I’ve trained my senses, I guess the fact that they can be reblog: pretentiousness Here’s Jana Perkovic — the guerrilla semiotician – discussing pretentiousness: guerrillasemiotics.com/2009/05/pretentiousness/ I am hoping she’ll
Latest posts stimming the body isn’t a thing postcards no country your morals eating irritating in others awakened transfiguration bits of unsolicited advice stockdale paradox hands that don’t want anything singing and dancing losing oneself given a price on remembering everything Godin on ideas three chairs growth felt in christ Freelance Dance Artists’ Working Ecology he danced listening and pain Somatics unlimited body politics vernacular activities one sentence email tips scrutiny ripeness Dance after lockdown - living with paradox mini essay