

I’ve been cobbling together bits of HTML and CSS for my own website since 1999 and last year I decided to find someone else to do it. I asked Jonathan Craig to do the development and he recommended Angie Yuanmalai to redesign the site.

When you are used to designing and implementing something yourself it’s an unusual experience to have conversations about your tastes and interests. I think this is because the design (should) somehow reflect your aesthetic in a way that is out of your hands. It’s akin to asking someone else to position a rear-view mirror on your behalf.

Nevertheless, I’m really proud of the work that Angie and Jonathan have done. It’s simple and clear, renders beautifully on different sized devices, and it’s now live. Check it out:


There’s a lot of content from old projects that needs to be added to the site, but for now it reflects the work I’m currently involved in.

And thanks again Angie and Jonathan for your work and for tolerating my demands.

Up next plasticity and collaboration I’ve been excited by a couple of things lately about dance and choreography that have come out of both practice and discussions with others. Here all day long I’m sitting here in tears listening to Sarah Montague interview Ken Robinson. Here’s a bit: SM: Are you really saying that dance is as important as
Latest posts the end of nature thinking like a consumer eliminate the friction Look and Look Again astray awkwardly sign on the door ask nature ecosytemic practice research self portrait as time the comfort/chaos circle things will have to change ladder of inference physical connection berry on minimalism stimming the body isn’t a thing postcards no country your morals eating irritating in others awakened transfiguration bits of unsolicited advice stockdale paradox hands that don’t want anything singing and dancing losing oneself given a price on remembering everything Godin on ideas