
Git is what is known as a Version Control System primarily used by software developers to collaborate, to track the progress of their work, and to enable others to use the materials or code. This makes a lot of sense if you think of Open source software or products that give permission for people to use the materials as they choose. A well-known site or online interface for git is called Github.

I’ve been interested for a number of years in using git as a system for tracking and sharing writing. Because I use text-based writing software like Sublime Text or iA Writer git is able to track changes to these text files, fork” to new versions (including to other people), and collaborate in foolproof ways.

I’m currently writing a funding bid for a project that explores the things that are unable to be known in dance practices and have used git for version control since I began the writing. This means that all of the files are open to anyone to view, copy, share, or do with as they please. I haven’t actually decided on which Creative Commons license to use for the project but it will most likely be CC-BY 4.0.

The project’s working title is finger-pointing-moon and you can see it on Github at github.com/skellis46/finger-pointing-moon.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Up next move slow Move slow and take care of things dance my life away I don’t wanna die, I’d rather dance my life away – Prince “1999” (written in 1982)
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