
decision making and slipperiness

I’ve been writing a book chapter with Colin Poole these last few weeks (or is that months) and this is a bit that was edited out.

I practice delaying decision making, and allowing ideas, images, patterns and concepts to emerge and change in time. It is a little slippery, as if I am trying to get out of the way of the creative process. The American post-modern choreographer Deborah Hay asks, Does your creativity … reveal itself to you if you stay out of the making?’ I think of different angles, and often back-up far enough to gain a wide-angle perspective. What about this? Or these? Or that? What am I missing? What ought to be missed?

Up next good fucking design advice Constantly fucking challenge yourself. – goodfuckingdesignadvice.com/#adviceID=158 collected links about practising I’ve been writing quite a bit recently about practice as part of some preparation for a seminar I’m giving in Wolverhampton and Roehampton in March.
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